Lighthouse work defining future brand and product experiences
Led cross-functional team to design immersive C-Suite experience showcasing two years of innovation for F-150 Lightning's next generation. Strategic narrative and experiential demonstration secured executive buy-in, directly influencing development of Ford's next-generation electric truck platform.
MY ROLE: Creative Direction | Creative Strategy
Ford F-150 Lightning Sequel
Procter & Gamble,
Future of Feminine Care
Led innovation exploration for P&G's feminine care category through human-centered design approach, creating breakthrough concepts spanning product, packaging, and user experience. Strategic vision influenced company's technology roadmap.
US Patent #D548338.
MY ROLE: Concepting | Packaging Structural Design | User Experience | Communication Design | Illustration
Procter & Gamble,
Future of Bathroom Tissue
Transformed P&G's bathroom tissue category through ethnographic insights and design innovation, developing strategic solutions across product experience and packaging systems. Research-driven concepts shaped future product development, influencing company's long-term innovation pipeline.
MY ROLE: Concepting | Graphic Design | Packaging Structural Design | User Experience | Communication Design | Illustration
Photography ©Ford Motor Company
My Role: Creative Direction, Creative Strategy
Strategy: Frank Brown
Art Direction: Leyna Kasparek
Design: Leyna Kasparek, Chris Tobias, Colleen Hill, Audrey Stanton
Animation & Video Editing: Bryan Martin, Sean Carbary
Copywriter: Erin Walker
Created with D-Ford, Ford Motor Company.
P&G: Feminine Hygiene
MY ROLE: Industrial Design, Package Design, User Experience, Communication Design, Illustration
Creative Director: Henry Chin
Industrial Design: Jo Wollschlaeger
Created with Ziba Design.
P&G: Bathroom Tissue
MY ROLE: Industrial Design, Package Design, User Experience, Communication Design, Illustration
Creative Director: Henry Chin
Industrial Design: Chris Frost
Created with Ziba Design.